
Bitcoin CoinJoin implementation with incentive structure to convince people to take part

View the Project on GitHub JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver

JSON-RPC API for Joinmarket using

Introduction - how to start the server

Create an ssl certificate and store it in <datadir>/ssl/{key,cert}.pem; the datadir is set by --datadir in scripts or is ~/.joinmarket by default, or . by default in testing.

After installing Joinmarket as per the INSTALL GUIDE, navigate to the scripts/ directory as usual and start the server with:

(jmvenv) $python

which with defaults will start serving the RPC over https:// on port 28183, and a (secure) websocket server (wss://) on port 28283.

Documentation of the websocket functionality below.

This HTTP server does NOT currently support multiple sessions; it is intended as a manager/daemon for all the Joinmarket services for a single user. Note that in particular it allows only control of one wallet at a time.

Rules about making requests

Note that for some methods, it’s particularly important to deal with the HTTP response asynchronously, since it can take some time for wallet synchronization, service startup etc. to occur; in these cases a HTTP return code of 202 is sent.


Authentication is with the JSON Web Token scheme, provided using the Python package PyJWT.

On initially creating, unlocking or recovering a wallet, a new access and refresh token will be sent in response, the former is valid for only 30 minutes and must be used for any authenticated call, the former is valid for 4 hours and can be used to request a new access token, ideally before access token expiration to avoid unauthorized response from authenticated endpoint and in any case, before refresh token expiration.

Tokens are signed with HS256 (HMAC with SHA-256), a symmetric keyed hashing algorithm that uses one secret key. Signature keys (differentiated between access and refresh tokens) are generated from random bytes upon the following events, implying that any previously issued token is invalidated.

On top of these events, refresh token signing key is also re-generated when refreshing an access token.

API documentation

Current API version: v1.

The OpenAPI spec is given in this yaml file. Human readable documentation of the API is provided in the documentation.

Those wishing to write client code should adhere to that specification.

What is and is not provided in the current version of the API.

As a brief summary, the functionality currently available is:

Clearly there are several further functionalities currently available in the CLI and Qt versions of Joinmarket which are not yet supported. It is likely that several or all of these will be added in future (e.g.: payjoin, utxo freezing).

In addition to the above, a websocket service currently allowing subscription only to transaction events, and coinjoining state, is provided, see next.


When a wallet service is started via a call to create or unlock (see above), the websocket automatically starts to serve notifications to any connected client. The client must send the authentication token it has received in the create/unlock call, over the websocket, when it connects, otherwise it will not receive any notifications.

Any authenticated connection is currently automatically subscribed to both of the following events:

Coinjoin state change event

When the backend switches from doing nothing, to running a coinjoin as taker over the messaging channels, or to running as a yield generator, or stopping either of these, an event is sent on the websocket noting the new current state. The message is json encoded as:

{"coinjoin_state": 1}

where the values are:

0 - Taker running 1 - Maker running 2 - Neither are running

Transaction event

When a transaction is seen for the first time in the Joinmarket wallet, a notification is sent to the client over the websocket as encoded json, containing the txid and a detailed human-readable deserialization of the transaction details. See this example:

{"txid": "ca606efc5ba8f6669ba15e9262e5d38e745345ea96106d5a919688d1ff0da0cc",
 "txdetails": {
    "hex": "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",
    "inputs": [
            "outpoint": "57b2ed3b8c2ebbadd286f6e436a31c28cf95d64fd562fe1f42ed2a73b2708757:0",
            "scriptSig": "",
            "nSequence": 4294967295,
            "witness": "02473044022078f8106a5645cc4afeef36d4addec391a5b058cc51053b42c89fcedf92f4db1002200cdf1b66a922863fba8dc1b1b1a0dce043d952fa14dcbe86c427fda25e930a53012102f1f750bfb73dbe4c7faec2c9c301ad0e02176cd47bcc909ff0a117e95b2aad7b"
            "outpoint": "33ec857df09030140391529295412434cced8191626024f937426b7859a21947:1",
            "scriptSig": "",
            "nSequence": 4294967295,
            "witness": "02483045022100b9a6c2295a1b0f7605381d416f6ed8da763bd7c20f2402dd36b62dd9dd07375002207d40eaff4fc6ee219a7498abfab6bdc54b7ce006ac4b978b64bff960fbf5f31e012103c2a7d6e44acdbd503c578ec7d1741a44864780be0186e555e853eee86e06f11f"
    "outputs": [
            "value_sats": 27000100,
            "scriptPubKey": "0014d38fa4a6ac8db7495e5e2b5d219dccd412dd9bae",
            "address": "bcrt1q6w86ff4v3km5jhj79dwjr8wv6sfdmxawzzx47z"
            "value_sats": 27000100,
            "scriptPubKey": "0014564aead56de8f4d445fc5b74a61793b5c8a81966",
            "address": "bcrt1q2e9w44tdar6dg30utd62v9unkhy2sxtxr0p4md"
            "value_sats": 146994810,
            "scriptPubKey": "00146ec55c2e1d1a7a868b5ec91822bf40bba842bac5",
            "address": "bcrt1qdmz4ctsarfagdz67eyvz906qhw5y9wk990rz48"
    "txid": "ca606efc5ba8f6669ba15e9262e5d38e745345ea96106d5a919688d1ff0da0cc",
    "nLockTime": 0,
    "nVersion": 2